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Guest Aphra

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Just found this.. not sure if I believe it all or not but kinda interesting...


Was wondering what are some things you constantly dream about?

Or just weird shit you dream..


10. Blind People Dream




People who become blind after birth can see images in their dreams. People who are born blind do not see any images, but have dreams equally vivid involving their other senses of sound, smell, touch and emotion. It is hard for a seeing person to imagine, but the body’s need for sleep is so strong that it is able to handle virtually all physical situations to make it happen.


9. You Forget 90% of your Dreams



Within 5 minutes of waking, half of your dream if forgotten. Within 10, 90% is gone. The famous poet, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, woke one morning having had a fantastic dream (likely opium induced) - he put pen to paper and began to describe his “vision in a dreamâ€

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My mate in Dunners has cranked that shit a few times, they had spots of it, LOL.


Said the wallpaper morphed into a kaleidoscope of patterns and shit.


I dunno if Im up for anything that hardcore, I prefer to be in control of my buzz personally.

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im keen!


make sure to try it in a situation with very little, if any, sensoral stimuli. it wacks you out so much that anything outside your mind can drag you into a very scary place.

yea bro thats the goal

have had many deep and profound moments on cactus and salvia so I am well prepared,,,

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Is anyone here into lucid dreaming?




i used to put mugwort under my pillow eh. that stuffs ill. woke up inside my dreams many a time.


never heard of mugwort under ya pillow? might give it a go. i used to just practice doing 'reality checks' eg look at ur hands through out the day, ask yourself if your dreaming, light switches (think waking life movie) focus on the minds eye before bed etc etc used to wake up on the inside and have fuckin mean 'dreams' ... but I found it bloody difficult to stay in the dream after total lucidity.


As for DMT ... im sure everyones seen this but ...



... thanks Joe Rogan (

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im keen!


make sure to try it in a situation with very little, if any, sensoral stimuli. it wacks you out so much that anything outside your mind can drag you into a very scary place.

yea bro thats the goal

have had many deep and profound moments on cactus and salvia so I am well prepared,,,


... I imported some 80x Salvia from the States and foolishly gave it to a few of my friends, who then smoked massive cones of it completely unprepared for their punishment by the Salvia Goddess. I have found unless you treat Salvia with much respect your trip will be horrible and evil. Treat it with respect and you will be rewarded with great insight and an amazing experience.


Far more powerful than Acid / Shrooms IMO ... a strong mind trip with OEV's that changed my perspective on life.

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dmt's pritty ruthless.. smokin it hits u hard n fast . loose all control of what you see and hear.. go into relms of wacked out patterns n sounds etc.. once was enough for me.


ive heard of far more intense buzz's from it; either they had some real good shit or just talkin some real bullshit.

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im keen!


make sure to try it in a situation with very little, if any, sensoral stimuli. it wacks you out so much that anything outside your mind can drag you into a very scary place.

yea bro thats the goal

have had many deep and profound moments on cactus and salvia so I am well prepared,,,


... I imported some 80x Salvia from the States and foolishly gave it to a few of my friends, who then smoked massive cones of it completely unprepared for their punishment by the Salvia Goddess. I have found unless you treat Salvia with much respect your trip will be horrible and evil. Treat it with respect and you will be rewarded with great insight and an amazing experience.


Far more powerful than Acid / Shrooms IMO ... a strong mind trip with OEV's that changed my perspective on life.


mmmmmmm 80x fucking hell


and yes I agree , salvia is not somthing to be messed wioth u have to be ready and willing to "see" and man o man u do,,,,

I love that kinda exp , so cool


we used to do all kinda mystical tings with psychadelics,,,

have seen manymanymany dark and fucked up things whilst in meditation on drugs but also seen some magnificent radiant visions,,

and learnt how to harness these abilities and peer thru the veil


have done a bit of astral travel work and lucid dreaming

I find that when I am on a creative flow I get a bit in to the lucid dreaming space , it helps as it takes you to the outer sphere of your conciousness and unchains the mind from restrictions oif our 3d reality

there have been times when I have done video mixes and gone on automatic forup to 6 hours and kinda woke up and gone " eh? whats going on here" then look back at my work and go "woah, thats oem fucking crazy shit" and never known how I did it with the base footage and then come to make what i had made..


had a few lucid/preminition dreams about my redstar before he was born which actually inspired his psudoname


yea man the metaphysical FTW


oh yea have u got any 80x salvia left?

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DMT is a research drug that mimics the chemical (which some believe to be DMT) that is released in your brain while you dream. it used to be called 'the businessman's special' because it comes on extremely fast (if smoked, prolly the same with other methods, introvene would be the way to go, hate needles tho) and lasts up 2 an hour, hense the nickname ( maybe something to do with businessmen having an hour for lunch).


Its a very very very very very veeeeeeeeerrrry strong hallucinogen and can put you into a 'deep space' state with no sense at all of reality. this is pure psychodelic and definitely not for the faint hearted. wouldnt be a good idea if you were pregnant either


check this for more info: http://erowid.org/chemicals/dmt/dmt.shtml

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