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now, i'm not claiming to be all knowing, or have every fact about every "current event" locked, but i do have general sense of unease about the way things are unfolding in our country, and how easily swayed by hype the masses seem to be...

so, i'd like to pledge to you all, to wake the fuck up. zach de la rocha (i hope i spelt it right, cant really be fucked googling it right now im having enough of a hard time editing typo's) said it well, and in my books best, when he chanted the words "no more lies'....

start thinking about what you're hearing in the media, start putting two and two together, start to question authuority, if only for the sake of making them answerable to you- the taxpayer-the person who pays their wages.

i'm not encouraging you to become dissedents, or turn into seditionary's. just keep your eyes and ears and most importantly ,your mind open. and beware of blindly following public opinion...

surely you've seen what happens when there is no Lemming there to block all the other Lemmings from walking right off a cliff. Don't be a lemming.

If you need influence other than an internet forum wake up call...

try and appreciate some works of art by some pop-culture antiheroes;

such as - the book, 1984 - Orson Wells. (take a look around the city right after you read this book) If you've read it before, read it again today have a re-think about how "sci'fi" it was/is.

check out the movie "Brazil", a humble little cafe which was a great sanctuary and "blackspot" on the GPS grid now closed down, named their business after this movie.

check out kiwi film, "Sleeping Dogs", it seems we are in the midst of this VERY scenario in New Zealand right now.

Listen to DJ Terra' "Jungle Warfair" feat.Pakage and Evoke... *insert blatant plugticon*

I think we're on the verge of a crucial point in NewZealands society, and I hope most of the people on this forum have enough processing power to at least SEE whats going on.


if you're wondering why i'm writing this rant right now its because i got a letter a "summary of decisions relating to submissions" letter from rodney district council regarding a private land sale and development which i filled in a submission for them to reject resource consent on. it's the te arai point development, which will include EIGHT HGUNDRED forest based dwellings, a resort/hotel conference centre, SIX HUNDRED and FIFTY village based dwellings, a tennis courts, bridle trails(for horses, not brides), a swimming pools, a mall, and boardwalk.

The letter i got told me nothing about their "decisions" and was signed by the head of "STRATEGIES and VISIONS" for rodney council.


It looks like this development, is going ahead as planned, which IMO, will fuck the beach in this area, stop surfers and general public being able to access the coast there(due to proposed "secure entrance" gated roads) and pretty much kill the whole buzz of area which borders a marine reserve. Even though two-thousand plus individuals have submitted requests for the council to deny resource consent for this high density development.


I recently read an article featuring a rodney council member saying that it was in their top priorities to preserve the coastal environment and protect public access and natural balance in their district.


Reeks of medium

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werdz to that.....



im tired of the apathy in our country im tired of the blatent disregard of the "realism" of our age , im tiired of seeing people en masse with eyes wide shut..


im tired of the fatel grip of consumer capitalism and the nedd to bury ones head in cultural materialism ,


im tired of jingoism and hedonism , im tired of narrow views of everything,,,



some freinds of mine and my self were having a heated discussion re politics in nz the other night , and we collectivly decided that we are all going to launch a protest vote in teh next elections and attempt to spread our message .

we have decided that we are going to vote for destiny ( I shit you not),

why? well so we can get a totalitarian neo facist ultra conservative government in , so then people (the average person) will actually give a fuck and get out and do somthing.


Now this is a bold statement coming from me , and im sure those who know me , and are aware of my leftist position will agree,

but well nz needs a wake up call and somthing to rallie around and a very very right wing conservative government may be that thing,,,,


PS and evoke ,,,excellent correlations between our society now and sleeping dogs , veryvery well spotted, I salute you

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we have decided that we are going to vote for destiny ( I shit you not),

why? well so we can get a totalitarian neo facist ultra conservative government in , so then people (the average person) will actually give a fuck and get out and do somthing.


That's just retarded. AS IF Brian Tamaki needs people validating his ridiculous belief in himself and his insane views, even if it is just done to prove some over-the-top political viewpoint. Good grief, at least waste your vote on the ALCP or something.


If they even get ONE seat, I'm blaming you, and sending him and his cronies round to give you an exorcism to free you from the demons of free thought.

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I don't think you get what I'm talking about here Pak... I'm not talking about the bill... I'm talking about the fact that they printed a full page slandering editorial as the front page of the herald...


It's not news... it's opinion... namely the definition of an editorial allows them to print propaganda in any form as front page news... it's ridiculous... even if it's anti-government propaganda... propaganda and news should be mutually exclusive



Look at the first Sentence of the article "When is the Government going to get this message: democracy is not a device to keep the Labour Party in power."




i was a bit confused by the article itself to be honest, it didnt seem like thaaat huge a deal. the editorial explains the impact of it quite well however.


Perhaps you didn't see the Herald in print form... they actually printed the Editorial on the front page...

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check out kiwi film, "Sleeping Dogs", it seems we are in the midst of this VERY scenario in New Zealand right now.



Your chatting rubbish mate, they caught a few armed vegetarians and some Maori dissidents going for a bit of a run in the ranges, its nothing like that movie. You're buying into the media created illusions, thats what tv3/the herald etc, want you to think because then you'll keep buying the papers/watching the news.


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we have decided that we are going to vote for destiny ( I shit you not),

why? well so we can get a totalitarian neo facist ultra conservative government in , so then people (the average person) will actually give a fuck and get out and do somthing.


No Offence Mr Restar because you're open to your own opinions however it actually scares me that you and others would consider something so drastic to help bring change! Is New Zealand really so bad that you would vote for Brian Tamaki???


im tired of the fatel grip of consumer capitalism and the nedd to bury ones head in cultural materialism


Also why does "consumer capitalism" scare you so much? Is it due to the fact that it helps the rich to become richer because they provide jobs to our society??? So society can pay rent/bill or puts food in their children stomach???



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I don't think you get what I'm talking about here Pak... I'm not talking about the bill... I'm talking about the fact that they printed a full page slandering editorial as the front page of the herald...


It's not news... it's opinion... namely the definition of an editorial allows them to print propaganda in any form as front page news... it's ridiculous... even if it's anti-government propaganda... propaganda and news should be mutually exclusive



Look at the first Sentence of the article "When is the Government going to get this message: democracy is not a device to keep the Labour Party in power."




i was a bit confused by the article itself to be honest, it didnt seem like thaaat huge a deal. the editorial explains the impact of it quite well however.


Perhaps you didn't see the Herald in print form... they actually printed the Editorial on the front page...


This deserves a really fucking gigantic

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we have decided that we are going to vote for destiny ( I shit you not),

why? well so we can get a totalitarian neo facist ultra conservative government in , so then people (the average person) will actually give a fuck and get out and do somthing.


No Offence Mr Restar because you're open to your own opinions however it actually scares me that you and others would consider something so drastic to help bring change! Is New Zealand really so bad that you would vote for Brian Tamaki???


im tired of the fatel grip of consumer capitalism and the nedd to bury ones head in cultural materialism


Also why does "consumer capitalism" scare you so much? Is it due to the fact that it helps the rich to become richer because they provide jobs to our society??? So society can pay rent/bill or puts food in their children stomach???





well , nz historically has risen up when there has been a far right goverment , and me personally im all about building the barricades and fighting the fight and a christian far right conglomerate peddling their fucked ideals would absolutely faciltate the barricades being bulit in a neighbourhood near you..


and consumer capitalism robs us of any time tio think for our selves,

its like this imo...


"uh oh violence is increasing in our society, here have this playstation, dont think play this game escape from reality...

" simple as,,,

radical times cakll for radical measures

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I don't think you get what I'm talking about here Pak... I'm not talking about the bill... I'm talking about the fact that they printed a full page slandering editorial as the front page of the herald...


It's not news... it's opinion... namely the definition of an editorial allows them to print propaganda in any form as front page news... it's ridiculous... even if it's anti-government propaganda... propaganda and news should be mutually exclusive



Look at the first Sentence of the article "When is the Government going to get this message: democracy is not a device to keep the Labour Party in power."




i was a bit confused by the article itself to be honest, it didnt seem like thaaat huge a deal. the editorial explains the impact of it quite well however.


Perhaps you didn't see the Herald in print form... they actually printed the Editorial on the front page...


yah, i just saw it online to be honest.

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Oh my fucking god, it gets worse.


The New Zealand Herald just put THIS ARTICLE up on their website, patting themselves on the back for their disgustingly biased "editorial"!! And surprise surprise they only mention that the "vast majority" of people writing in to "your views" are supporting their bullshit, and completely ignored all the people (myself included) writing in about how one-sided the article is, and comparing them to Fox News.



WOW. I really really cant believe this. Joseph fucking Goebbels is now the editor of the New Zealand Herald. Propaganda 101



P.S my view of this article has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the Electoral Finance Bill and whether or not I support it. It's about how the article was written and delivered.

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So you would rob future generations of a choice to play playstation in order to make them think???


Also what's wrong with escaping from reality??? Doesn't music help people escape??? Perhaps you'd like to ban music in order to start the world thinking again???


no I wouldnt and I never said that...


I am saying however, that we dont have choice cos we have too much.

do u ever go into a service station or supermarket and stand there going "um err , shit what am I gonna buy"


we are blinded by all that glitters,,,







now ask your self this....

are u free and happy? really honestly ask this question of your self , now tell me why?



and further more,,


I will not be buying my son a playstation,,,ever ,, ,, instead of rotting his brain and being exposed to unrealistic portrails of "reality" and exposed to violence I will be directing him to other pastimes IE playing outside , making forts,, playing music, painting , climbing trees.read books,, and looking at the world thru holistic eyes,,,



now thats reality, and is also escapist but a different example of it , a much better and more tangible application..

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